Liberia, Africa

Phase II: Underway!

raising funds for Phase II


New School Construction

Gueyee Village is a very remote and poor area located in Liberia, Africa that lacks many basic resources. People are in great need of soap, potable water, food, electricity and medical supplies. The village is sorrounded by a jungle often referred to as “the bush.” Many in “the bush” have never attended school, seen technology, nor heard about Jesus and the good news of the Gospel.

We visited in 2018 and realized there is a great need for education in this community but more importantly a great need for people to hear about God’s goodness.

Ever since, God has placed in us a deep desire to open up a school and to share Jesus with the children starting from a young age. Our desire is to feed them a hot meal while in school and meet their most important needs including their spiritual needs- getting to know the unconditional and deep love of our Heavenly Father for them!

In order to accomplish this, we are partnering with Pastor Davis his wife Joanna. Their desire is for the children to grow knowing their Creator and to develop skills to become the leaders of their community one day.

Pastor Davis and his wife Joanna are currently leading bible studies with the children, feeding them a hot meal and making clothing and dresses for them until the school is built. We currently have 100 children signed up ready to attend our school and 100 more that want to attend once the school is built.

Our goal is for the community to be impacted by the incredible love of God just as our lives have been. We want to not only meet the physical needs of the community but also the spiritual needs.

We believe that as we disciple people and help them establish a good foundation in Christ, they will have all the tools to succeed in life. (Romans 5:17) They will be the one changing their communities and leading their nation!

We calculate close to 200 kids attending. The land has been cleared off and we are starting to build this year! Praise God! Thank you to everyone that has partnered and sown a seed to expand the Kingdom of God in Liberia. Stay tunned for pictures and video of what’s happening already! Many blessings!


Morelia, Mexico

Raising Funds

for Phase I


New Classrooms Fund

El Puerto de Buenavista is an area located in the outskirts of the city of Morelia which is the capital of the state of Michoacan in Mexico. The state of Michoacan alone has a population of 3.3 million people according to a 2020 census with only 2% being protestant.

In 2019, God gave us the desire to reach this community beginning with the children. With prior connections and God’s vision clear in our heart, we began an afterschool program. This later turned into a full-blown school and since then we have ran out of room! Our school ranges from ages 3 until currently the 4th grade.

El Puerto remains a lower income community which has grown over the years but the area is still in great need of paved roads and some other resources.

Now that the school has grown and we have opened more grades, we are in need of additional classrooms, bathrooms and a cafeteria. Currently, children eat in their class and several grades share the same classroom.

Our desire is to build 8 classrooms on the second floor of the school. A cafeteria for the children and teachers and more bathrooms. This will enable us open up to, hopefully, highschool and have more children and young hearing about the goodness of God on a constant basis!

The afterschool program remains operational for those that are above 4th grade and do not attend regular day school. While in the program children receive a hot meal, they learn life skills and most importantly learn about Jesus!

Some of the children that attend school come from broken families while some do not go to school and roam the community selling things to help support their family. Many of them do not know the love of Jesus.

We receive children in our school that would normally not attend and provide them a godly education where they learn all the subjects from our Creator’s perspective. They receive hot meals and also learn life skills.

If you want to be a part of this project and sow in the life of young lifes, please select the “I want to sow a seed!” button above or visit Thank you for considering being a blessing!

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